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What is the maximum amount you can send or receive with SINPE Móvil?
What is the maximum amount you can send or receive with SINPE Móvil?
Updated over a week ago

*Remember that your bank may apply a different limit for SINPE Móvil transactions*

The limit is determined by standard account restrictions. Please see on the right side of the table below:

The following fees and limits apply to CiNKO Wallet accounts.

  • All fees and limits are represented as USD (United States Dollars).

  • Daily limits are calculated for the past 24 hours period, in the local time zone of your wallet.

Maximum CiNKO Balance


Transaction Types


Daily Limits

Incoming Transfers (Total)


BTC > CiNKO USD balance



ETH > CiNKO USD balance



USDC > CiNKO USD balance



PYUSD > CiNKO USD balance



Receiving Person-2-Person (P2P)



Outgoing Transfers (Total)


Sending USDC

$1.00 + gas fees


Sending Person-to-Person (P2P)



Sending to MoneyGram



Sending to a Bank Account



Mobile Top-up


$100.00 Per Trx

Other Fees

Unlimited Bank Transfers

$5.00 (Monthly)

Monthly Inactivity Fee (After no transaction activity for preceding 120 days (rolling)

$10.00 (Accounts greater than $1,000.00)

$5.00 (Accounts less than $1,000.00)

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