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Onboarding & KYC
What is KYC verification?
What is KYC verification?
Updated over a week ago

CiNKO adheres to anti-money laundering regulations as part of our comprehensive financial compliance program. Anti-money laundering laws require us to verify your identity before allowing you to have full use of our services. CiNKO does this through a know-your-customer (KYC) program and it is one of the first things you see when you sign up for an account.

We ask users to provide personal information so that we can properly verify that you are who you say you are. Steps include:

  • Input your address and date of birth

  • Provide a selfie

  • Capture the image of your personal ID card

We collect this information to satisfy anti-money laundering laws. We also have a sophisticated fraud detection engine that helps us measure risk which then makes a decision on whether you need to supply additional information in order to complete onboarding.

We understand that submitting your personal information may make you hesitate and wonder if you want to complete your sign up. Rest assured, we comply with applicable digital privacy laws and safely handle your personal information with the utmost care.

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